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Life in assisted living isn’t much like life in a house. Or life in a typical apartment. That’s because a typical day in assisted living (like a day at Veranda of Pensacola) looks like the unique days and nights of an entirely different lifestyle. Residents tell us that they have found new value and meaning in life through the move to assisted living – and the difference is powerful.


What you can expect in a typical day in the life of an assisted living resident

Each day is unique, and each resident is unique. That means your day will be specific to YOU. With that in mind; however, here is what a typical day in assisted living could look like for you (to make it as easy as possible to imagine life in assisted living, we’ll use examples of what you’ll find if you become a resident here at Veranda of Pensacola): 


Up and at ‘em

Wake up and, depending on your specific needs, have a visit from an aide to help you get dressed, take your medication, and get ready for the day. 


The most important meal of the day

It’s time to go get some breakfast in our fine dining room. Some fresh fruit, waffles, and a nice cup of coffee sounds about right! There are always several options to choose from so that you can enjoy a tasty, nutritious breakfast every morning.


Explore the community

After breakfast, there’s a group outing to a local art museum. You join the group to check out some amazing works of art this morning. 


Embrace your hobbies

Once you return from the museum, you decide to visit the library at your assisted living community. You spend a few minutes winding down with a good book.


Culinary adventures

You join some friends for lunch in the dining room. You decide to be adventurous today and try a new Indian dish. You love that the menus provide classic favorites and new cuisines. 


Indulge your competitive streak

After lunch, you and your lunchmates decide to head into the lounge for a spirited board game. Today, it’s Monopoly! 


Get outside and enjoy some fresh air

You decide to stroll one of our walking paths to get some fresh air and enjoy some downtime. There’s just something about a quiet stroll in the fresh air and beautiful surroundings that invigorates you.


Time for a quick nap

It’s time to head back to your apartment for a quick nap. First, though, a member of our staff stops by to assist you with taking your medications for the afternoon. 


Stay limber

After your nap, you join a yoga class to limber up and invest in your health. 


Enjoy some dinner

This day has flown by! It’s time to head down to the dining room for some dinner and lively conversation with some of your neighbors and friends. Today, you feel like enjoying a classic roast beef and mashed potatoes meal, along with some chocolate cake for dessert!


The night is young

You’re not ready for bed just yet. A few of your friends say good night, but you join a few close pals in the movie theater to enjoy some popcorn and a movie.


Rest and recharge

Finally, you decide to retire for the night. What a busy day. Who knows what tomorrow will bring! 


Build your ideal day – and ideal retirement life – at Veranda of Pensacola

Whether you’re looking for lowkey days with some fun activities sprinkled in, or a busy schedule that keeps your mind and body active, there is something for everyone at Veranda of Pensacola. To learn more about our assisted living options, contact our team today.  


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