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Good nutrition gives you energy. It helps you stay at a healthy weight. It keeps your body moving like it should. And it can help keep diseases at bay. Nutrition is important for all of us, but it is especially important for seniors. As we age, our bodies change. Our nutritional needs change. And the ability to impact our health through nutrition becomes even more powerful. 


These nutrition tips are most important for seniors

Although your unique needs may be different (talk to your doctor to see if she has any specific nutrition advice based on your unique health profile), these nutrition tips for seniors can help you feel better and stay healthier in the short and long term: 


Stay hydrated

Dehydration is a major issue for seniors. In fact, 40% of seniors may be chronically dehydrated. Dehydration may seem innocent enough. After all, we all forget to drink enough water once in a while. But particularly in seniors, dehydration can lead to serious health complications like urinary tract infections (UTIs), kidney stones, falls due to dizziness, and more. And when we’re older, something as “simple” sounding as a UTI can actually be fatal. 

Although hydration is important for all age groups, seniors are at a greater risk of dehydration than other generations. This is because our ability to gauge  thirst decreases as we get older. As a result, it can be harder to notice the signs of dehydration until you’re in real trouble. 

To help stave off dehydration, be sure to eat lots of fresh fruits and veggies, which are rich in water and can aid hydration. Try setting reminders in an app or on your watch or clock to drink a full glass of water to keep you on track. 


Eat plenty of leafy greens

If you’re going to add one thing to your diet for maximum nutrition value, you might want to consider adding leafy greens. 

Leafy greens like spinach, kale, chard, asparagus – even cruciferous veggies like broccoli and cauliflower are often considered “greens” – have a treasure trove of nutritional value. First, along with a primarily plant based diet, they’ve been shown to aid significantly in the prevention (and even reversal) of heart disease

But looking at them individually, leafy greens have a host of health benefits, including: 

  • High levels of fiber.
    This means they’ll help keep you full longer, staving off cravings for junk food and other choices that can actually be detrimental to senior health. It also helps keep your regular, which can lower your risk of colon cancer (and a host of other cancers)
  • High levels of magnesium, folate, and potassium.
    An estimated 50% of Americans are magnesium deficient, which can lead to high blood pressure and a host of ailments common in seniors. Fewer than 2% of Americans consume the daily requirement of potassium. And while most people consume adequate amounts of folate (aka vitamin B9), it helps prevent certain cancers and adds a host of health benefits.  


Don’t forget omega-3s

You’ve probably heard some talk around omega 3 fatty acids and their impact on your health. That’s because they’re pretty powerful components of a healthy diet, and a nutrition powerhouse for seniors (and everyone!). 

Consuming more omega 3 fatty acids can lower your risk of depression and anxiety, which are extremely common in seniors and can actually lower life expectancy! Omega 3s are also extremely heart healthy, and have been shown to lower blood pressure (among other heart benefits). That’s because they have been shown to be anti-inflammatory, which improves heart health and reduces your risk of many other serious conditions. 

They’re also loaded with protein and fiber, and are a great addition to any meal. Try adding a spoonful of hemp seeds to your next salad. Adding ground flaxseeds to your next smoothie. Making a delicious chocolate chia pudding, or grilling some salmon for dinner. 


The right diet and nutrition can play a major role for healthy seniors.

And here at Veranda of Pensacola, our menus are designed to include a variety of healthy and delicious meals. Featuring a range of cuisines and options at breakfast, lunch, and dinner, there are plenty of healthy favorites, plus new meals and foods for you to try. We are dedicated to helping you live your happiest, healthiest life. To learn more about life at Veranda of Pensacola, contact us today


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