Latest news and info from Veranda!

Veranda Pensacola Team

The Link Between Sleep and Health: Insights for a Vibrant Retirement

As we journey through life, few things are as essential to our well-being as a good night's sleep. Yet, in the hustle and bustle of modern living,[…]

5 Key Retirement Planning Steps Everyone Should Take

Retirement marks a significant milestone in life, offering the promise of newfound freedom and opportunities for exploration, relaxation, and[…]

6 Activities for Vision-Impaired Seniors

According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, about 12 million people over age 40 are visually impaired, including 3 million with[…]

Making Friends in a Retirement Community

Embarking on the next chapter of life in a retirement community is not just a change of scenery; it's an opportunity to forge new connections, create[…]

Planning for and Navigating a Senior Move

As your beloved parents reach their senior years, the prospect of a move often becomes a poignant and necessary consideration. Whether downsizing,[…]

Immune System Boosters For Seniors

You’re Only as Young as Your Immune System! The main function of your immune system is to help protect your body from foreign or harmful substances,[…]

Why Lifelong Learning is Important for Seniors

For seniors, the significance of lifelong learning transcends traditional notions, fostering intellectual stimulation, social engagement, and a[…]

Common Health Concerns for Aging Seniors

As you, or the people you care for, traverse the journey of older age, health becomes an integral focus. For seniors in retirement communities,[…]

How to Choose a Retirement Community

Whether you’re choosing a retirement community for yourself, or helping a senior loved one through the process, the decision is a significant one[…]

Embracing the Golden Years: The Benefits of Independent Living

The golden years represent a unique chapter filled with endless possibilities. It's a time for cherished memories, self-discovery, and living life to[…]