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According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, about 12 million people over age 40 are visually impaired, including 3 million with corrected and 8 million with uncorrected impairment. For today’s seniors; however, vision loss does not have to mean a reduced quality of life. Quite the contrary, seniors are living their best life by filling their days, evenings, and weekends with a range of activities that are fulfilling and exciting. 


Join us as we delve into six activities we provide at Veranda of Pensacola that are tailored to enhance the well-being of our vision-impaired residents.


1. Sensory Gardens and Nature Walks

Our community boasts beautiful gardens designed to appeal to all the senses, including touch and scent. Residents can embark on nature walks, feeling the textures of plants and enjoying the fragrances.


2. Tactile Arts and Crafts

Engaging in tactile arts and crafts allows residents to express creativity through touch. From sculpting clay to creating textured masterpieces, these activities provide a fulfilling outlet for artistic expression.


3. Lifelong Learning

For those who are interested in learning more about a wide variety of topics, we bring in fabulous and knowledgeable speakers that can be enjoyed without visual stimuli. These subjects include everything from learning more about the history of Pensacola to health issues.


4. Adapted Fitness Classes

Staying active is essential for overall well-being. Our community offers adapted fitness classes that focus on balance, flexibility, and strength, catering to varying abilities and ensuring that everyone can participate comfortably.


5. Board Games and Tactile Puzzles

Games like chess, Scrabble, and tactile puzzles can be found in our library, providing residents with both entertainment and cognitive stimulation


6. Massage

Guided massage sessions further enhance our residents’ well-being, promoting relaxation and creating moments of tranquility.



At Veranda of Pensacola, we believe that a fulfilling life is not limited by visual abilities. Through carefully curated activities, we aim to create an inclusive environment where every resident, regardless of vision impairment, can thrive. 


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