Latest news and info from Veranda!

Common Ways Aging Parents Need Help from Their Adult Children

As our parents get older, they often require assistance with everyday tasks that are becoming more difficult. Whether it’s helping with preparing[…]

6 Ways Seniors Can Reduce Stress

How Can I Protect My Finances As I Get Older?

As you get older and transition into retirement, your financial practices need to shift from working and saving to relying on your nest egg. Keep[…]

5 Self-Care Activities for Seniors

How mindfulness and gratitude change your brain

Veranda Wins Another Customer Experience Award

It’s easy for us to say that Veranda of Pensacola offers seniors an elegant, active lifestyle. Still, when we’re officially recognized for doing[…]

What is the difference between assisted living and nursing homes?

As you’re considering senior living opportunities, it’s important to understand the distinctions among the various residential and care levels. That[…]

5 Myths About Assisted Living

Assisted living allows seniors to prolong their active independence by providing needed help with certain aspects of daily living. It might be just[…]

How to maintain your friendships after moving into senior living

If you were a Girl Scout, you learned a song that advised, “Make new friends but keep the old, one is silver and the other gold.”

5 Best Dog Breeds for Seniors

Being around animals is good for you, especially if you’re a senior. Furry companions alleviate feelings of isolation, and spending time with them[…]