Latest news and info from Veranda!

Kim Docalavich

How Senior Living Communities Can Keep You Safe and Secure

How to Ease the Transition into Senior Living for Your Parent

Veranda Residents Receive COVID-19 Vaccine

The Veranda of Pensacola is pleased to share that our residents recently received the COVID-19 vaccine.

Veranda of Pensacola Receives 2021 Pinnacle Customer Experience Award

Veranda of Pensacola is honored to be the recipient of Pinnacle’s 2021 Customer Experience AwardTM!

Preventing Falls

Falls are the leading cause of fatal and nonfatal injuries for Americans aged 65+. These falls can lead to serious injuries, including fractures,[…]

Social Distancing Activities for Seniors

The global crisis caused by the COVID-19 virus has been lifechanging, altering all our daily lives. Our senior population has been hit especially[…]